Eric Biretta comes from a family of lawyers. His father practiced since 1950 until his passing in 1989. From that heritage comes a significant understanding of the complex issues in both Divorce and Criminal matters.
He holds a successful trial record and gives time and energy to his clients. After more than 26 years as a trial attorney in the Greater Detroit area, he has received endorsements from judges, fellow attorneys, former clients, and clients of colleagues who sought out his assistance after witnessing his performance in court. He strives to provide clients who retain his services with a thorough review of their cases' facts, honest evaluations of their situations, and 24-hour personal access to answer any questions and ease concerns.
Mr. Biretta practiced for many years with the notorious William E. Buflaino, and William E. Bufalino II, from whom he fine tuned his trial and negotiating skills. He is well connected to the pulse of the criminal defense attorneys, as well as the plethora of divorce attorneys and judges in Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, Lapeer and other Counties throughout Michigan.
His cell phone is listed on his business cards, so clients have 24 hour access to his services both before and after he is retained. He also understands the gravity of each and every situation you may find yourself in, and treats you with respect and dignity. His client reviews are superb, and they are unsolicited.